Sunday, April 19, 2009

Date Balsamic Vinaigrette with Molasses

Last night I planned on making a blueberry balsamic vinaigrette until I discovered that my magic ratio wasn't possible without the Honey or the Blueberries that I thought we had. So, I went back to the fundamentals and substituted the honey with molasses for the sweet side. I had no other berries on hand and found a container of honey dates and decided to see what would happen if I pureed those.

The magic ratio is:

1 part berries (strawberries, blueberries, whateverberries)javascript:void(0)
1 part honey
1 part olive oil
1 part balsamic vinegar
a pinch of kosher salt
a tiny bit of grainy mustard

The newly discovered dressing was comprised of the following measurements:

1 tablespoon Molasses
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
1 tablespoon Balsamic Vinegar
2 Honey Dates
1/4 tbsp grainy mustard
kosher salt to taste (a pinch...yes a real pinch)
freshly ground pepper to taste

I pureed everything in a food processor and then moved everything to a bowl to finish mixing with a whip. That quantity is tough to really blend together in a food processor bowl or even a blender. More would work better.

The salad was built with fresh organic field greens, tomato, toasted pumpkin seeds, roasted sweet potato and red onion. This is a KILLER salad and dressing. Enjoy.


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