Saturday, November 15, 2008

Beef Fajitas Wraps

I've made beef fajita wraps only a couple of times, on the same weekend, with the same marinated beef. I unfortunately didn't write down the recipe for such an amazingly delicious result. So, today I decided to recreate that experience as close as possible, for better or for worse. However, I expect it to be on the better side after smelling the marinade.

Juice of 1/2 orange

Juice of 1/2 lime
1-2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp cayenne powder
1 tsp kosher salt
1/8 tsp ground black pepper
pinch ground cloves
2 tbsp olive oil

1 lb flank or skirt steak (grill to perfection like below)

Mix the marinade ingredients and place with steak in a ziplock bag. Remove as much air as possible and seal. Marinade for 2 hours or overnight.

You know that you've done a fabulous job when the meat slices like this:

These fajita wraps can be assembled any way that you like. Since we've had some wonderful organic veggies delivered every saturday, I decided to inject some of these into the wraps. I layered kale, onion, and super sweet slivered red bell peppers along with some grated extra old St. Albert cheese and then rolled up the wraps in some fresh flour tortillas. I then topped the wraps with some more cheese and placed them in the oven for about 15 minutes which not only melted the cheese, but it helped build the flavours into a kind of sauce. Basically, it helped make the wraps juicy with every bite.

The final assembly includes a delicious mexican bean salad that served as a very healthy and perfectly accompaniment to this meal. ( I also covered my wrap with Sriracha sauce which is the best chili sauce for any mexican meal). If you're at all curious about what went into the mexican bean salad, I can post this. All you need to do is ask.

From Beets to Borscht

We have a lot of beets. In fact, we have so many beets that the Go-Go's are going to have to give up the rights of that song..... "we got the beets".

Our lovely friend brought over a vegetarian cookbook that has a killer borscht recipe in it, and I happened to have a scanner so I got the idea to skip writing it down, and just scan the fucker. It may as well be posted here since it would be much more convenient to call up an image from a laptop rather than waste precious photo printer ink.

I'll post up some photos and experiences when I make this on the weekend. If anyone else wants to do the same and share it that would be foodtastic.

Borscht Page 1

Borscht Page 2

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